AddLinkBar Method

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

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AddLinkBar Method

Returns a NavigationNode object that represents a link bar.

expression.AddLinkBar(NodeLabel, ModificationType, LeftSibling)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a NavigationNodes collection.

NodeLabel    Required. A String that represents the label or name of the link bar.

ModificationType    Required. An FpStructModType constant that represents the structure of the link bar.

FpStructModType can be one of these FpStructModType constants.
fpStructBaseOnSibling Base the link bar on its closest sibling node.
fpStructLeftmostChild Base the link bar on its leftmost child node.
fpStructRightmostChild Base the link bar on its rightmost child node.

LeftSibling   Optional. A Variant that represents the left sibling of the node. This value is used to locate the new link bar in the hierarchy.


The new node will not appear in the link bar. Only the node's children will appear in the link bar.

Note  The new link bar must be added to the structure before child nodes can be added to it.


The following example creates a new link bar that is based on its sibling in the hierarchy of navigation nodes.

Sub NewLinkBar()
    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objNavNodes As NavigationNodes
    Dim objNavNode As NavigationNode

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objNavNodes = objApp.ActiveWeb.AllNavigationNodes

    'Reference a node to use in the method.
    Set objNavNode = objNavNodes.Item(1)

    'Create new link bar based on sibling.
    objNavNodes.AddLinkBar NodeLabel:="New link bar", _
         ModificationType:=fpStructBaseOnSibling, _

    'Apply navigation structure so node will appear.

End Sub