ActiveWebWindow Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

Returns a WebWindowEx object that represents the window in which the currently open Web site is displayed.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example prints the value of the ActiveDocument.nameProp property for the WebEx object.

Note  To run this example, create a form with a command button called "cmdActiveWebWindowDisplay" and a label called "lblWebWindowDisplay". Paste the following code in the code window. You must have a Microsoft FrontPage-based Web page open for this procedure to return a document name.

Private Sub cmdActiveWebWindowDisplay_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim myCurrentWebWindow As WebWindowEx

    Set myCurrentWebWindow = Application.ActiveWebWindow

    With myCurrentWebWindow
        lblWebWindowDisplay.Caption = .ActiveDocument.nameProp
    End With
End Sub