Author Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

Author Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the name of the author who created a Web package.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a WebPackage object.


The following example creates a new Web package and adds the page "test.htm" to the package, including all dependencies for the page, and then saves the new Web package.

    Dim objWeb As WebEx
Dim objPackage As WebPackage

Set objWeb = ActiveWeb
Set objPackage = objWeb.CreatePackage("New Web Package")

With objPackage
    .Author = "John Smith"
    .Company = "Fourth Coffee"
    .Subject = "This is a new Web package for Fourth Coffee."
    .Add objWeb.Url & "/test.htm", fpDepsDefault
    .Save "c:\NewWebPackage.fwp", True
End With