New Web Object Model Properties (Alphabetical List)

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

New Web Object Model Properties (Alphabetical List)

Visit the Office Developer Center on the Microsoft Developer Network Web site for the latest information about programming with Microsoft Office FrontPageĀ 2003, including product news, technical articles, downloads, and samples.

The following table lists properties added to the Office FrontPageĀ 2003 object model (sorted alphabetically).

New Property Object(s)
AllowAttachments BasicList, DocumentLibrary, List, Survey, Discussion
AllowFillInChoices ListFieldChoice
AllowModerate BasicList, DocumentLibrary, List, Survey, Discussion
AllowRichHTML ListFieldMultiLine
Author WebPackage
Company WebPackage
ComputationFormula ListFieldComputed
DynamicTemplate WebFile
EndNumber ListFieldRatingScale
IsHidden BasicList, DocumentLibrary, List, Survey, Discussion
IsModified BasicList, DocumentLibrary, List, Survey, Discussion
OptimizeHTMLFlags Application
OptimizeHTMLPublishFlags Web, WebEx
ReturnType ListFieldComputed
StartNumber ListFieldRatingScale
Subject WebPackage