2.1 Using The LuaCOM library
LuaCOM is an add-on to the Lua language. To be used, either the binary library of LuaCOM must be linked with the host program, just like the Lua library and other add-ons, or you should load a LuaCOMdynamic library through Lua 5's require/loadlib mechanism. To use dynamic loading in Lua 4 you should implement a similar mechanism. There are different versions of the LuaCOM binary for the different versions of the Lua library, so pay attention to link the right one.
If you are linking LuaCOMto your program, the next step is to modify
the source code of the host program to
call LuaCOM's and COM initialization and termination
functions, which are part of the C/C++ API. To do so, include the
LuaCOM's header -- luacom.h
-- and call these functions
in the proper order: LuaCOM must be initialize after COM and after
Lua; it must be terminated before Lua; COM must be terminated AFTER
Lua2.1. Here is an example of a simple C host program
program using LuaCOM.
/* * Sample C program using luacom */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ole2.h> // needed for CoInitialize and CoUninitialize #include <lua.h> #include "luacom.h" int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* COM initialization */ CoInitialize(NULL); /* library initialization */ lua_State *L = lua_open(); luacom_open(L); if(lua_dofile("luacom_sample.lua") != 0) { puts("Error running sample!"); exit(1); } luacom_close(L); lua_close(L); CoUninitialize(NULL); return 0; }Notice that it's necessary to initialize COM before
and to terminate it only after the last
, otherwise fatal errors may occur.
Using Lua 5 to dynamically load LuaCOM is simpler. Just call require("luacom")
in your Lua script, and make sure the file luacom.lua
is in your LUA_PATH
environment variable, and the Lua and LuaCOM DLLs (lua-5.0.dll
, lualib-5.0.dll
, respectively) are in your PATH
Then run your script with the Lua standalone interpreter.

Next: 2.2 Locating COM Objects Up: 2. Tutorial Previous: 2. Tutorial Contents Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07