4.7 Full Example
This is an example of a Lua COM server. The example assumes this script is called testobj.lua:
-- This is the implementation of the COM object path_to_obj = "\\Path\\To\\Script\\" TestObj = {} function TestObj:showWindow() print("Show!") events:OnShow() end function TestObj:hideWindow() print("Hide!") events:OnHide() end COM = {} function COM:StartAutomation() -- creates the object using its default interface COMAppObject, events, e = luacom.NewObject(TestObj, "TEST.Test") -- This error will be caught by detectAutomation if COMAppObject == nil then error("NewObject failed: "..e) end -- Exposes the object cookie = luacom.ExposeObject(COMAppObject) if cookie == nil then error("ExposeObject failed!") end end function COM:Register() -- fills table with registration information local reginfo = {} reginfo.VersionIndependentProgID = "TEST.Test" reginfo.ProgID = reginfo.VersionIndependentProgID..".1" reginfo.TypeLib = "test.tlb" reginfo.CoClass = "Test" reginfo.ComponentName = "Test Component" reginfo.Arguments = "/Automation" reginfo.ScriptFile = path_to_script .. "testobj.lua" -- stores component information in the registry local res = luacom.RegisterObject(reginfo) if res == nil then error("RegisterObject failed!") end end function COM:UnRegister() -- fills table with registration information local reginfo = {} reginfo.VersionIndependentProgID = "TEST.Test" reginfo.ProgID = reginfo.VersionIndependentProgID..".1" reginfo.TypeLib = "test.tlb" reginfo.CoClass = "Test" -- removes component information from the registry local res = luacom.UnRegisterObject(reginfo) if res == nil then error("UnRegisterObject failed!") end end -- Starts automation server return luacom.DetectAutomation(COM)
Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07