4.1 Introduction
With LuaCOM it is possible to implement full-fledged COM objects using Lua. Here we understand a COM object as a composite of these parts:
- a server, which implements one or more COM objects;
- registry information, which associates a CLSID (Class ID) to a triple server - type library - default interface;
- a ProgID (Programmatic Identifier) which is a name associated to a CLSID;
- a type library containing a CoClass element.
The registry information maps a ProgID to a CLSID, which is, in turn, mapped to a server. The type information describes the component, that is, which interfaces it exposes and what is the default interface.
LuaCOM simplifies these tasks providing some helper functions to deal with registration and instantiation of COM servers. LuaCOM suports both local (EXE) and in-process (DLL) servers.
Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07