2.5 Methods and Properties
After creating an object, the next step is to use it. This is primarily done through method calls and property accesses. To call a method of the object, do it as if the method was a function stored in a Lua table whose key is the method name:
-- Here we call the method 'Show' of the COM object myobj:Show() -- A method with a return value result = myobj:CheckState() -- A method with parameters file = myobj:LoadFile("test.xyz", 1) -- A method with output values x, y = myobj:UpdatePosition(x, y)
To read or write simple properties, one must simply use them as if they were normal table fields.
-- Reading properties value1 = obj1.Value value1 = obj2.Value -- writing a property obj3.Value = value1 + value2
Automation includes support to parametrized properties. These can be accessed (or written) using accessor functions.
value = obj:getMatrixValue(1,1) value = value*0,125 obj:setMatrixValue(1, 1, value)
Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07