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Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07
3.5.1 The Enumerator Object
This object is a proxy for a COM object that implements the IEnumVARIANT interface. It translates the calls made to fields of the table to method calls using that interface. Enumerators arise often when dealing with collections. To obtain an enumerator for a collection, use the Lua API method GetEnumerator. Example:
-- -- Sample use of enumerators -- -- Gets an instance word = luacom.GetObject("Word.Application") -- Gets an enumerator for the Documents collection docs_enum = luacom.GetEnumerator(word.Documents) -- Prints the names of all open documents doc = docs_enum:Next() while doc do print(doc.Name) doc = docs_enum:Next() end
The Extended Lua API method pairs allows the traversal of the enumeration using Lua's for statement. The sample above can be rewritten this way:
-- -- Sample use of enumerators -- -- Gets an instance word = luacom.GetObject("Word.Application") -- Prints the names of all open documents for index, doc in luacomE.pairs(word.Documents) do print(doc.Name) end
Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07