3. LuaCOM Elements
LuaCOM is composed by the following elements:
- LuaCOM objects, which make COM objects available in Lua;
- LuaCOM API, a set of functions used to do a variety of
tasks (library initialization, object creation, implementation of
Automation interfaces in Lua, manipulation of connection points
- Automation binding, which translates accesses on LuaCOM
objects to COM interface calls and COM accesses on an interface
implemented in Lua to Lua function calls or table accesses;
- LuaCOM type conversion rules, which govern the type conversion
between Lua and Automation types;
- LuaCOM parameter passing rules, which describe how LuaCOM
translate a Lua parameter list to a COM one and vice versa;
- other objects, like typelib, typeinfo, enumerator etc.
- 3.1 LuaCOM API
- 3.2 LuaCOM objects
- 3.3 Automation binding
- 3.3.1 Implementing dispinterfaces in Lua
- 3.3.2 Using Methods and Properties
- 3.3.3 Connection Points: handling events
- 3.3.4 Parameter Passing
- 3.3.5 Exception Handling
- 3.4 Type Conversion
- 3.4.1 Boolean values
- 3.4.2 Pointers to IDispatch and LuaCOM objects
- 3.4.3 Pointers to IUnknown
- 3.4.4 Arrays and Tables
- 3.4.5 CURRENCY type
- 3.4.6 DATE type
- 3.4.7 Error Handling
- 3.5 Other Objects
Fabio Mascarenhas de Queiroz 2005-01-07