Translations - KeePass



Installing Translations

How to install translations of KeePass 1.x.

Text  Installing User Interface Translations

To install a user interface translation, follow these steps:

  1. Download the translation file from the Translations page.
  2. Unpack the ZIP archive you just downloaded to some directory.
  3. Copy the <Language>.lng file into the KeePass application directory (where KeePass.exe is located).
  4. Start KeePass. In the main menu, click 'View' - 'Change Language...'. In the dialog that opens, select your language. In the restarting prompt, click [Yes].

That's it! The user interface is now translated completely into your language!

Text  Additional Localized Content

For some languages (not for all) there is additional localized content available, like translated help files, tutorials, etc. All this content is available from the same page where the user interface translations are downloadable: Translations page.

If you'd like to create some translated content yourself, please first ask the KeePass team if the thing you're planning to create isn't in work already by someone else. If not, you'll make a lot of people very happy by creating translated content!