- This topic covers the project settings that are accessible from the menu:
- File
Project Properties...
General Settings
The only general setting that you are able to change is the disc label. The default suggested label is based on the date and time of when the project was created. Please note that the label applies to the same restrictions as general file names in the project (see the ISO Settings section).
ISO Settings
This option sets the ISO conformance level which basicly are different levels of file name restrictions. There are three levels supported in InfraRecorder:
- Level 1 uses file names in the 8.3 format (eight characters with a three-character extension), upper case letters, numbers and underscore. The maximum directory depth is eight.
- Level 2 allows file names to be up to 31 characters long.
- Level 3 allows files to be fragmented (mainly to allow packet writing, or incremental CD recording).
- Level 4 does not really exist, but when selected the ISO-9660:1999 (which is ISO-9660 version 2) standard is used. This standard allows file names to be up to 207 characters long and the directory structure may be more than eight levels deep.
Character Set
Defines the character set used in the local file names included in the project. InfraRecorder tries to automatically detect the character set used on your system.
This option specifies the format that should be used when writing your project data to a disc. Mode 1 is normally used when creating regular non multi-session discs while Mode 2 should be used when creating multi-session discs. Mode 1 allows 2048 bytes of data per sector, Mode 2 allows 2336 bytes of data per sector (A CD-ROM sector is 2352 bytes large).
Other Options
The Use Joliet file name extension adds Joliet directory records to the disc in addition to regular ISO9660 file names. The joliet extension is commonly used on Windows systems and allows unicode file names with a maximum length of 64 characters.
If you want to use even longer file names you can enable the Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names option. This is not fully compatible with the Joliet specification but seems to work. The maximum character length is extended to 103 characters.
The Include UDF support in the generated file system option is self explanatory. UDF support is currently in alpha status, and for this reason it's not possible to generate UDF only filesystems.
The Omit version number from ISO9660 file names option is self explanatory.
This secion contains options to specify information about the people behind the CD-project. The Publisher, Preparer, System and Volume set fields should be edited directly, the other fields often contains file names due to the limited character length of 36 characters.
Audio Settings
This secion allows you to create CD-Text information. CD-Text is a format supported by some (many?) CD-players that allows track and artist information to be displayed when the CD is playing. These options are available in audio and mixed-mode projects.
Boot Settings
- This section is only available on data projects and allows you to specify
up to 63 boot images that will be used to create an "El Torito" bootable
disc. To add a new boot image to the project, click the Add boot
image button:

Boot Catalog

This option specifies the path and filename of the boot catalog to be used when making an "El Torito" bootable disc. The path name should be relative to the root on the disc. The file will be inserted into the output tree and not created in the source filesystem. Please make sure that the specified file name does not conflict with an existing file.