Infineon Security Platform Migration

Infineon Security Platform

Infineon Security Platform Solution - Settings Tool

Infineon Security Platform Migration

Migration involves securely copying and transferring user security credentials from a source platform to a destination platform. Depending on the current configuration of the system, the Infineon Security Platform User can migrate user keys and certificates to or from the local Infineon Security Platform.

The functionality is covered by the Infineon Security Platform Migration Wizard.

Availability of page:
  • This page is only available on an initialized Security Platform.
  • This page is not available in server mode as migration of user-specific security credentials from a source platform to destination platform is handled by the Trusted Computing Management Server, i.e. the administrator or the user on the local client system does not have to perform this task.

Migration Step by Step

The following table describes all migration functions.

Button Explanation
Learn more... Click here to view a detailed step by step guide to perform migration.
This is the source platform Check this option to express that you want to export credentials from this Security Platform.
The source platform actions Export... and Authorize... can be carried out.
Export... Export user keys and certificates to a destination platform. This is done by the export functionality of the Infineon Security Platform Migration Wizard. The destination platform must be authorized by the platform owner before exporting.

The button is disabled, if one of the following situations apply:

  • The Infineon Security Platform is disabled.
  • The Infineon Security Platform is not initialized.
  • The Infineon Security Platform User is not yet initialized.

Authorize... Each migration of user keys and certificates from one Infineon Security Platform to another requires an authorization of migration on the source Security Platform by the Infineon Security Platform Owner. This button leads to the authorization dialog.

The button is disabled, if one of the following situations apply:

  • The Infineon Security Platform is disabled.
  • The Infineon Security Platform is not initialized.
  • The current user does not have administrative rights.

This is the destination platform Check this option to express that you want to import credentials to this Security Platform.
The destination platform actions Import... and Save... can be carried out.
Import... Import user keys and certificates from a source platform. This is done by the import functionality of the Infineon Security Platform Migration Wizard.

The button is disabled, if one of the following situations apply:

  • The Infineon Security Platform is disabled.
  • The Infineon Security Platform is not initialized.

Save... The migration information of an Infineon Security Platform can be exported into a file that may be imported into the destination Infineon Security Platform. The migration information is in a file in XML format.
This is the initial step of the user key migration.

The button is disabled, if one of the following situations apply:

  • The Infineon Security Platform Owner has changed (also indicated on the Info page).
  • The Infineon Security Platform is not initialized, but an Infineon Security Platform Owner exists.
  • The Basic User Keys of the logged in Infineon Security Platform Administrator do not match the Infineon Security Platform Owner.
  • The Infineon Security Platform is disabled.

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