Infineon Security Platform Solution
Encrypting File System
The Encrypting File System (EFS) functionality is part of the security technology of NTFS file system volumes. The integration is totally seamless and does not require any further activity than a one-time configuration step. Use EFS to keep your documents safe from intruders who might gain unauthorized physical access to your sensitive stored data (by stealing your laptop, for example). In this initial step, a volume or a folder is marked as encrypted. Consequently, all files and subfolders within the selected volume or folder are encrypted.
Working with an encrypted volume or folder is very much the same as working with a non-encrypted volume or folder - the encryption is totally transparent to the user who is permitted access.
- It is recommended to use the encryption on folder or volume level, not on file level. For simplicity, only these elements are described here.
- EFS is not supported in Windows Home editions.
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