Dictionary Attack Defense Level Reset

Infineon Security Platform

Infineon Security Platform Solution

Dictionary Attack Defense Level Reset

  • This topic is only relevant for Security Platforms with a Trusted Platform Module 1.2. The details of the Security Platform dictionary attack defense mechanism are only valid for Security Platforms with an Infineon Trusted Platform Module 1.2.
  • This topic is mainly targeted at the Security Platform Owner.

The defense level reset starts displaying dictionary attack status information. Subsequently the Security Platform Owner Password is prompted.

Defense level reset steps

Step Comment
1. Dictionary attack status information This page provides the following detail information necessary to decide whether the defense level should be reset or not:

General dictionary attack status: Indicates whether dictionary attack defense measures are currently in effect or not.

Remaining lock-out time: Displays the remaining time, if a lock-out is currently in effect.

Authentication Type list: Displays status information for several authentication types, for example authentication types for keys (e.g. used for Security Platform User authentication), owner and for the access of sealed data (e.g. used by Windows BitLocker in combination with PIN).

The following information is displayed for each authentication type:

  • Allowed Attempts: Number of allowed Trusted Platform Module authentication attempts, before dictionary attack
    defending measures are taken (see Dictionary Attack User Interface, section "Configure dictionary attack threshold").
  • Current Counter: Number of current effective failed attempts.
  • Next Lock-out time: This indicates the lock-out time after the next failed authentication, if the current counter is already above the number of allowed attempts. Else it indicates the lock-out time when the threshold is going to be exceeded.

Current counter and next lock-out time depend on the number of allowed attempts, the total number of failed authentications in the past and the elapsed time since the last failed authentication (see defense level auto-decrease).

Refresh: Click this button or press key "F5" to refresh the dictionary attack status information.

Show non-critical authentication types: By default only authentication types with current counters higher than zero are displayed. Check this option to display also authentication types with current counter zero.

Note that the dictionary attack status information is only displayed, if it can be retrieved from the Trusted Platform Module.

2. Provide the Security Platform Owner Password The Owner Password is required to reset the defense level. You can either type in the Owner Password or provide an Owner Password Backup File.

Please make sure you provide the correct password. Else dictionary attack defense measures might be taken. In this case you will not be able to reset the dictionary attack defense level any more.

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