Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0) Object Model JS: CoordinateSpaces

InDesign CS4

 Coordinate space options.


CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATESInner coordinates2021222766 = 'xyin'
CoordinateSpaces.PARENT_COORDINATESParent coordinates2021224545 = 'xypa'
CoordinateSpaces.PASTEBOARD_COORDINATESPasteboard coordinates2021224546 = 'xypb'
CoordinateSpaces.SPREAD_COORDINATESSpread coordinates.2021225328 = 'xysp'


In function

void Button.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Button.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Button.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Button.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Button.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void EPS.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void EPS.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any EPS.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void EPS.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix EPS.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void FormField.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void FormField.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any FormField.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void FormField.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix FormField.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Graphic.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Graphic.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Graphic.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Graphic.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Graphic.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void GraphicLine.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void GraphicLine.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any GraphicLine.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void GraphicLine.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix GraphicLine.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Group.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Group.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Group.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Group.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Group.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Image.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Image.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Image.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Image.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Image.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void ImportedPage.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void ImportedPage.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any ImportedPage.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void ImportedPage.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix ImportedPage.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Movie.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Oval.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Oval.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Oval.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Oval.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Oval.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void PDF.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void PDF.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any PDF.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void PDF.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix PDF.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void PICT.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void PICT.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any PICT.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void PICT.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix PICT.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

any Page.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Page.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void PageItem.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void PageItem.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any PageItem.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void PageItem.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix PageItem.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Polygon.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Polygon.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Polygon.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Polygon.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Polygon.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Rectangle.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void Rectangle.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Rectangle.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Rectangle.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Rectangle.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void Sound.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any Spread.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void Spread.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix Spread.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void TextFrame.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void TextFrame.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any TextFrame.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void TextFrame.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix TextFrame.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

void WMF.reframe (in: any, opposingCorners: Array of any)

void WMF.resize (in: any, from: any, by: ResizeMethods, values: Array of any[, resizeIndividually: bool=true][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

any WMF.resolve (location: any, in: CoordinateSpaces[, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

void WMF.transform (in: CoordinateSpaces, from: any, withMatrix: any[, replacingCurrent: any][, consideringRulerUnits: bool=false])

Array of TransformationMatrix WMF.transformValuesOf (in: CoordinateSpaces)

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