Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0) Object Model JS: DrawState

InDesign CS4




Describes an input state at the time of the triggering  ScriptUIGraphics.onDraw() event.

Contains properties that report whether the current control has the input focus, and the particular mouse button and keypress state. Passed in as argument to ScriptUIGraphics.onDraw().


altKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Alt key is being pressed (in Windows only).
capsLockKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Caps Lock key is being pressed.
cmdKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Command key is being pressed (in Mac OS only).
ctrlKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Ctrl key is being pressed.
hasFocusbool readonlyTrue if the element has the input focus.
leftButtonPressedbool readonlyTrue if the left mouse button is being pressed.
middleButtonPressedbool readonlyTrue if the middle mouse button is being pressed.
mouseOverbool readonlyTrue if the cursor is hovering over this element.
numLockKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Num Lock key is being pressed.
optKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Option key is being pressed (in Mac OS only).
rightButtonPressedbool readonlyTrue if the right mouse button is being pressed.
shiftKeyPressedbool readonlyTrue if the Shift key is being pressed.

Used in:

void ScriptUIGraphics.onDraw (drawState: DrawState)

Jongware, 20-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index