Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0) Object Model JS: DocumentPreference

InDesign CS4



 Document preferences. Base Class: Preference


getElements, toSource, toSpecifier


Application | Document


allowPageShufflebool r/wIf true, guarantees that when pages are added to a spread it will contain a maximum of two pages. If false, allows pages to be added or moved into existing spreads. For override information, see preserve layout when shuffling.
readonlyThe direction of text in the column
columnGuideColor3 Reals (0 - 255)
r/wThe color of the column guides, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values,, or as a UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator.
columnGuideLockedbool r/wIf true, locks column guides.
documentBleedBottomOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the bottom document bleed. Note: To set the bleed bottom offset, document bleed uniform size must be false.
documentBleedInsideOrLeftOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the inside or left document bleed. Note: To set the bleed inside or left offset, document bleed uniform size must be false.
documentBleedOutsideOrRightOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the outside or right document bleed. Note: To set the bleed outside or right offset, document bleed uniform size must be false.
documentBleedTopOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the top document bleed.
documentBleedUniformSizebool r/wIf true, uses the document bleed top offset value for bleed offset measurements on all sides of the document. The default setting is true.
documentSlugUniformSizebool r/wIf true, uses the slug top offset value for slug measurements on all sides of the doucment. The default value is false.
facingPagesbool r/wIf true, the document has facing pages.
isValidbool readonlyReturns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.
marginGuideColor3 Reals (0 - 255)
r/wThe color of the margin guides, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255, representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator.
masterTextFramebool r/wIf true, the document A-master has auto textframes.
overprintBlackbool r/wIf true, overprints black when saving the document.
readonlyThe page binding
pageHeightMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe height of the page.
r/wThe page orientation.
pageSizestring r/wThe size of the page.
pageWidthMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe width of the page.
pagesPerDocumentnumber r/wThe number of pages in the document. (Range: 1 to 9999)
readonlyThe parent of the DocumentPreference (a Application or Document).
preserveLayoutWhenShufflingbool r/wIf true, preserves the layout of spreads that contained more than two pages when allow page shuffle was turned on. If false, changes multi-page spreads to two-page spreads if the spreads were created or changed since allow page shuffle was turned on.
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
slugBottomOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the bottom slug. Note: To set the slug bottom offset, document slug uniform size must be false.
slugInsideOrLeftOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the inside or left slug. Note: To set the slug inside or left offset, document slug uniform size must be false.
slugRightOrOutsideOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the outside or right slug. Note: To set the slug right or outside offset, document slug uniform size must be false.
slugTopOffsetMeasurement Unit (Number or String) r/wThe amount to offset the top slug.
snippetImportUsesOriginalLocationbool r/wIf true, causes UI-based snippet import to use original location for page items.



Array of DocumentPreference getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the DocumentPreference.

string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.

Element of




Array of DocumentPreference DocumentPreference.getElements ()

Jongware, 20-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index