SymLoadModule64 Function

Debug Help Library

SymLoadModule64 Function

Loads the symbol table.

This function supersedes the SymLoadModule function. For more information, see Updated Platform Support.

DWORD64 WINAPI SymLoadModule64(
  __in          HANDLE hProcess,
  __in          HANDLE hFile,
  __in          PCSTR ImageName,
  __in          PCSTR ModuleName,
  __in          DWORD64 BaseOfDll,
  __in          DWORD SizeOfDll



A handle to the process. This handle must have been previously passed to the SymInitialize function.


A handle to the file for the executable image. This argument is used mostly by debuggers, where the debugger passes the file handle obtained from a debugging event. A value of NULL indicates that hFile is not used.


The name of the executable image. This name can contain a partial path, a full path, or no path at all. If the file cannot be located by the name provided, the symbol search path is used.


A shortcut name for the module. If the pointer value is NULL, the library creates a name using the base name of the symbol file.


The load address of the module. If the value is zero, the library obtains the load address from the symbol file. The load address contained in the symbol file is not necessarily the actual load address. Debuggers and other applications having an actual load address should use the real load address when calling this function.

If the image is a .pdb file, this parameter cannot be zero.


The size of the module, in bytes. If the value is zero, the library obtains the size from the symbol file. The size contained in the symbol file is not necessarily the actual size. Debuggers and other applications having an actual size should use the real size when calling this function.

If the image is a .pdb file, this parameter cannot be zero.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the base address of the loaded module.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To retrieve extended error information, call GetLastError.

If the module is already loaded, the return value is zero and GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS.


The symbol handler creates an entry for the module and if the deferred symbol loading option is turned off, an attempt is made to load the symbols. If deferred symbol loading is enabled, the module is marked as deferred and the symbols are not loaded until a reference is made to a symbol in the module.

To unload the symbol table, use the SymUnloadModule64 function.

All DbgHelp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more than one thread to this function.



Requires DbgHelp.dll 5.1 or later.


Declared in Dbghelp.h.


Use Dbghelp.lib.


Requires Dbghelp.dll.

See Also

DbgHelp FunctionsSymInitialize

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Build date: 9/25/2007

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