demo combines several features with the built in teams to create a
simple fight scene. It includes obstacle avoidance from the Path
Finding demo, patrol paths from the Patrolling demo, the visual
attack and sounds from the Sound demo and introduces friendly and
neutral entities. Friendly entities support the player by attacking
nearby enemies and following the player when ordered to. Neutral
entities do not engage in combat and by default run away from sounds,
their exact behaviour can be set use the Set Stance command or
controlled manually as with other entities, but they will never pick
targets and always return Can Fire as 0. Neutral entities will also
not be shot at by other entities.
This document will not cover
obstacle setup or patrolling since these are covered in detail in the
Path Finding and Patrolling demos respectively. The visual attack is
also the same as that found in the Zone or Sound demos the only
difference being this demo deals with more entities. It does not
matter which team the entity is on or who they are firing at since
this method of visualising the attack is handled the same for all
entities and targets.
First we will cover the creation and
addition of the enemy entities.
for i = 2 to 4
object i,1,0
position object i,i*5 – 30,2.5,40
object i,rgb(255,0,0)
make object i+1000,2,1
set object
light i+1000,0
hide object i+1000
AI Add Enemy i
AI Set
Entity Speed i,10.0
AI Set Entity Aggressive i
AI Set Entity
View Arc i,90,180
AI Set Entity View Range i,60
AI Set Entity
Hearing Range i,100
AI Entity Assign Patrol Path 2,1
AI Entity Assign Patrol
Path 3,1
AI Entity Assign Patrol Path 4,1
The entity
objects are created from a mesh and positioned where we want them to
start along the top of the level. We create the attack object, one
per entity, and then set the initial entity parameters. We use the
Set Aggressive command to make the enemies approach and follow their
targets so that they will continue to attack until either, one of
them dies (not featured in this demo), a closer target is spotted, or
it loses sight of all targets and cannot find them. We give the
enemies a generous hearing range so they can hear and respond to any
entity attacking on the level. Entities are also given a view angle
of 180 so they cannot see behind themselves, and a view range of 60
so they cannot immediately spot the player and its allies on the
other side of the level. The entities are then all assigned the same
patrol route, to move back and forth across the top of the level.
Next we create and add the neutral entities.
for i
= 11 to 13
object i,1,0
position object i,rnd(50)-25,2.5,rnd(50)-25
Add Neutral i
AI Set Entity Speed i,10.0
AI Set Entity View Arc
AI Set Entity Hearing Range i,100
Since neutral entities cannot attack we do not give them
an attack object, and we position them randomly around the level.
Neutral entities will run away by default, and since we don't want to
change this behaviour we will just set the range at which the entity
will be able to hear and see. You could also use the Can Roam command
here if you wanted neutral players to randomly move about instead of
remaining fixed until an event occurs.
Finally we create and
add the friendly entities.
for i = 21 to 22
object i,1,0
position object i,i*5 – 120,2.5,-40
object i,rgb(0,255,0)
make object i+1000,2,2
set object
light i+1000,0
hide object i+1000
AI Add Friendly i
Set Entity Speed i,10.0
AI Set Entity View Arc i,90,180
AI Set
Entity View Range i,60
AI Set Entity Hearing Range i,80
There is little
difference here to the enemy setup, except instead of calling Add
Enemy we use Add Friendly to specify the team. It does not matter in
which order the different teams are created, or which id's they are
given as all entities are processed the same way. Friendly entities
default to a cautious stance which means they will not approach and
follow targets, if you wish this can be changed by setting the entity
make object sphere 1,5
position object
AI Add Player 1
creates the player object and adds it to the AI system. This
is all we need to do for the player since the AI system will now read
the player object's position automatically every frame and update its
internal values since the default values link the player to the
Once the setup is complete the AI system now has
enough information to move and control entities based on their team
and current surroundings to produce a believable responses completely
automatically by calling AI Update. The main loop provides a 'follow
player' command for the friendly team to provide some control over
the movement of allies.
if keystate(33)=1 and
= timer()+300
AI Team Follow Player 20
keystate(31)=1 and stimer<timer()
= timer()+300
AI Team Separate
The Follow Player command takes a distance as its parameter,
specifying the maximum distance friendly entities should remain from
the player. When the distance between the player and the entity
exceeds this value the entity will move towards the player, otherwise
it will be content with its current location. The Separate command
tells all friendly entities to stop following the player and return
to worrying about themselves.