

This demo shows the complete range of debugging commands available for viewing what is going on inside the AI system. These function by creating new DarkBasic objects and manipulating them within the AI system to display the desired information, therefore these commands work best when you are using a 3D world to represent the world. The information available for display includes waypoints, waypoint edges, obstacle bounds, sounds, entity paths, entity view and hearing ranges, entity-entity avoidance data, and detailed entity parameter information.

It demonstrates each command in turn by showing a simple example of the command's display then removing it for the next. As such this demo does not follow the usual pattern of setup -> main loop -> end, but instead has several mini setups with a pause to let the user move to the next.

AI Start
AI Set Radius 2.5

As usual, we start by creating the AI system and setting the radius we want to use. The Start command creates container 0 where we will be adding our objects and displaying them. We then move to the first debug command, showing waypoints.

AI Add Static Obstacle 101
backdrop off

AI Debug Show Waypoints 0,2.5
print "Debug Commands Demo, Press Any Key To Continue"
print "1 - Displaying Waypoint Data"
wait key

This adds a single obstacle in the centre of the screen, adds it to the AI system which automatically creates four waypoints for it, then displays the waypoints for container 0 at a height of 2.5. The height is necessary because there is no Y data stored for waypoints or obstacles so you can choose a Y position for them to appear. Waypoints are shown as blue dots that represent the corners of obstacles so entities have a point of reference about how to move around an obstacle. The debug command chooses a DarkBasic object id by starting at 65535 and decreasing until a free object is found or it reaches 0, in which case the command fails and has no effect. The Show Waypoint command only calculates its object once, and so does not automatically update its display if you add/remove waypoints whilst it is displaying. You would have to call Show Waypoints again to re-calculate it. The program then waits for the user to press a key before continuing.

AI Debug Hide Waypoints 0
AI Debug Show Waypoint Edges 0,2.5

Next we hide the waypoints and display the waypoint edges. These represent the visibility of waypoints from each other, an edge between two waypoints means an entity can use it as a valid section of path when moving around obstacles. Edges are shown as blue lines and again you choose the Y position you want the debug object to appear and the object number is chosen by starting at 65535. Edges are not re-calculated automatically so you need to call Show again to display changes.

AI Debug Hide Waypoint Edges 0
AI Debug Show Obstacle Bounds 0,2.5

This hides the edges and displays the obstacle bounds which define the extent of all obstacles with the radius (set above) added. The difference between waypoint edges and obstacle bounds is that obstacle bounds are drawn surrounding each and every obstacle even when they overlap, whereas waypoints take the obstacles as a whole and draw around overlapping obstacles as if they were one. Waypoints edges can also link obstacles together. The debug object is chosen by starting at 65535 and is not re-calculated automatically. Call Show again to update any changes to the debug display.

AI Debug Hide Obstacle Bounds 0
AI Debug Show Sounds 2.5

We now move on to displaying sounds which can attract nearby entities, they are shown as yellow dots and they are updated in real time. The DarkBasic objects to display them are chosen by starting at object id 65535 and decreasing. This requires some sounds exist in order to view the debug output.


if scancode()<>0 then hold=1
set cursor 0,0
print "Debug Commands Demo, Press Any Key To Continue"
print "4 - Displaying Random Sounds"
AI Update
if rnd(screen fps()) = 0 then AI Create Sound rnd(80)-40,rnd(80)-40,0,0

until scancode()=0 and hold=1

This loop creates random sounds around the level, which will be displayed by debug objects, until the user presses a key. The yellow dot will remain for as long as the sound can be heard, about 1 second, and then be removed from system. The Update command is needed to remove and display sounds as it is a real time debugging command. The next debug command involves entity paths.

AI Add Enemy 1
AI Make Path 1
AI Path Add Point 1,20,0
AI Path Add Point 1,-20,0
AI Entity Assign Patrol Path 1,1

AI Debug Show Paths 2.5

This creates an entity and a patrol path to use in the next debug command. The patrol path deliberately crosses the obstacle from the previous setup to create a more interesting path, which is display in red. The final point in the path represents the entity's final destination, which it has generated the path to, and the intermediate points are shown as red dots which represent the waypoints the entity is using to get to its destination, if any. The points are connected by red lines which represent the order the points will be visited in. Path displays are updated in real time and you can specify a Y position for the debug object. Paths will be displayed for all entities. Another loop updates the AI system to move the entity and update the path.

AI Debug Hide Paths
AI Set Entity View Arc 1,90,170
AI Debug Show View Arcs 2.5

A view angle is assigned to the entity from the previous setup for the next debug command, which displays view angles, view range, and hearing range. The view is shown as a transparent red circle that extends to the distance of the view range and angle within which points can potentially be seen.
The hearing range is shown as a yellow circle within which sounds can be heard. The calculation for the display object is only done once since view angles and ranges rarely change it is faster to keep the object from frame to frame. Any changes to the view range, angle or hearing range need a call to Show View Arcs to update. The position and rotation of the display object will be updated in real time when Update is called as this can be done quickly.

AI Debug Hide View Arcs
make object sphere 2,5
position object 2,9.5,2.5,4
AI Add Enemy 2
AI Debug Show Avoidance Angles 2.5

The next command requires another entity to display entity to entity avoidance data. This is where an entity detects nearby entities and marks their area as blocked, restricting movement in that direction. Blocked directions are shown as a small green arc extending to the full width of the marked area and update in real time. This is a slow command as it must re-calculate the avoidance object every time it changes which is every frame when it is close to one or more entities.

AI Debug Hide Avoidance Angles
AI Kill Entity 2
delete object 2
AI Set Console Output On 1

The second entity is no longer needed so is removed from the AI system and deleted, always remove an entity before deleting its object if the object is linked to it.
The Set Console Output command is different in that it opens a new window to display a detailed list of the main entity parameters that is updated in real time. Closing this new window manually will result in the program crashing, you should use Set Console Output Off to close it.

AI Set Console Output Off
AI Hide Errors

Hiding errors is used to prevent the AI system exiting the program and displaying error messages when an invalid action or command is performed, such as setting a parameter for an entity that does not exist. It is useful if you want to handle errors yourself, for example adding an entity and then checking if the entity exists will let you know if the addition succeeded or failed.

AI Set Entity Speed 3,10

In this case the loop contains an invalid command since entity 3 has not been added, with errors off the command will have no effect.