

platform Property

Internet Development Index

Retrieves the platform on which the browser is running.


Scripting[ sPlatform = ] clientCaps.platform

Possible Values

sPlatformString that receives one of the following values:
Win32Browser is running on Windows 32-bit platform.
Win16Browser is running on Windows 16-bit platform.
WinCEBrowser is running on Windows CE platform.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


This example displays all the properties available through the clientCaps behavior.

<HTML xmlns:IE>
@media all {
IE\:CLIENTCAPS {behavior:url(#default#clientCaps)}
function window.onload()
sTempStr = "availHeight    = " + oClientCaps.availHeight    + "\n" +
"availWidth     = " + oClientCaps.availWidth     + "\n" +
"bufferDepth    = " + oClientCaps.bufferDepth    + "\n" +
"colorDepth     = " + oClientCaps.colorDepth     + "\n" +
"connectionType = " + oClientCaps.connectionType + "\n" +
"cookieEnabled  = " + oClientCaps.cookieEnabled  + "\n" +
"cpuClass       = " + oClientCaps.cpuClass       + "\n" +
"height         = " + oClientCaps.height         + "\n" +
"javaEnabled    = " + oClientCaps.javaEnabled    + "\n" +
"platform       = " + oClientCaps.platform       + "\n" +
"systemLanguage = " + oClientCaps.systemLanguage + "\n" +
"userLanguage   = " + oClientCaps.userLanguage   + "\n" +
"width          = " + oClientCaps.width          + "\n" ;
oPre.innerText = sTempStr;
<H1>clientCaps Behavior Sample</H1>
<P>This example shows how to use the new <B>clientCaps</B>
behavior, introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, to obtain
client capabilities information. The following is a sampling of the
information that can be obtained:</P>
<IE:CLIENTCAPS ID="oClientCaps" />
<PRE id="oPre"></PRE>
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this property.

Applies To


See Also

About Client Capabilities