item Method | Internet Development Index |
Retrieves an object from the all collection or various other collections.
oItem = object.item(vIndex [, iSubindex])
vIndex Required. Integer or String that specifies the object or collection to retrieve. If this parameter is an integer, it is the zero-based index of the object. If this parameter is a string, all objects with matching name or id properties are retrieved, and a collection is returned if more than one match is made. iSubindex Optional. Integer that specifies the zero-based index of the object to retrieve when a collection is returned.
Return Value
Returns an object or a collection of objects if successful, or null otherwise.
The item method cannot retrieve input type=image elements from a form. To access all elements contained in a form, use the children collection.
The following example uses the item method to retrieve each object from the document. In this case, the method parameter is a number, so the objects are retrieved in the order they appear in the document.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> var coll = document.all; if (coll!=null) { for (i=0; i<coll.length; i++) alert(coll.item(i).tagName); } </SCRIPT>The next example uses the item method to retrieve a collection of all objects in the document that have "Sample" as an ID. The example then uses item again to retrieve each object from the "Sample" collection.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> var coll = document.all.item("Sample"); If (coll != null) { for (i=0; i<coll.length; i++) { alert(coll.item(i).tagName); } } </SCRIPT>The last example is similar to the previous example, but uses the optional iSubindex parameter of item to retrieve individual objects.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> var coll = document.all.item("Sample") if (coll!=null) { for (i=0; i<coll.length; i++) alert(document.all.item("Sample",i).tagName); } </SCRIPT>
Standards Information
This method is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To
all, anchors, applets, areas, boundElements, cells, elements, embeds, forms, images, links, mimeTypes, options, plugins, rows, scripts, tBodies, FORM