endElement Method(deprecated) (t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, ...)


endElement Method?deprecated)

Internet Development Index

This page documents a feature of HTML+TIME 1.0, which was released in Microsoft?Internet Explorer 5. We recommend that you migrate your content to the latest version of HTML+TIME, which implements the SMIL 2.0 Working Draft. See the Introduction to HTML+TIME overview for more information.

Stops the element on the timeline.



Return Value

No return value.


This method applies the same action as if the element's end time is reached on the local timeline, or the element's duration (dur) has expired. All time children elements are notified and aligned correctly to the local timeline. In addition, the endElement method fires the onend event.

Standards Information

This method is a Microsoft extension to HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) Non-Microsoft link.

Applies To

t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, t:PAR, t:SEQ, time, t:VIDEO

See Also

beginElement, Introduction to HTML+TIME