AcMapMap Class

Autodesk GIS Map Platform

Defines the runtime state of a map. 

class AcMapMap : public MgMapBase;
Initializes a new Map object given a resource service, map definition, and a name for the map. 
Initializes a new Map object given a spatial reference system, spatial extent of the map, and a name for the map. 
Forces the editor window to repaint its contents. 
Returns the background color for the map. 
Gets this interface for the current Map DisplayManager. 
Returns the extent of the data to be generated for the map in the spatial reference system of the map. 
Returns the number of dots per inch of the map display. 
Returns the current height of the map display in pixels. 
Returns the current width of the map display in pixels. 
Gets the finite display scale at the specified index. 
Gets the number of finite display scales in the map. 
Returns this maps layer groups. 
Returns this maps layers. 
Returns the resource identifier that specifies the location of the map definition that was used to create this map. 
Returns the the overall extent of the map. 
Gets the spatial reference system used to display this map. 
Gets the name of this map. 
Gets an identifier that can be used to uniquely identify this map. 
Gets the identifier of the session associated with this map. 
Gets the current center point of the map, in the spatial reference system of the map. 
Gets the current scale of the map. 
Load a .layer file into this map. 
Loads the map object from a session repository. 
Saves a layer to a .layer file. 
Sets the current center point of the map, in the spatial reference system of the map. 
Sets the scale of the map. 
Zomm the current map to the specified extent. 

MgXX classes belong to the OsGeo.MapGuide namespace and are descibed in the Geospatial Platform Reference.

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