AcMapFeatureService::SelectFeatures Method (MgResourceIdentifier*, string, MgFeatureQueryOptions*, string)

Autodesk GIS Map Platform

AcMapFeatureService:: SelectFeatures Method
(MgResourceIdentifier*, string, MgFeatureQueryOptions*, string)

Selects features from a feature source according to the criteria set in the MgFeatureQueryOptions argument The criteria are applied to all of the features in the feature source.

virtual MgFeatureReader* SelectFeatures(
    MgResourceIdentifier* resource, 
    string className, 
    MgFeatureQueryOptions* options, 
    string coordinateSystem
A resource identifier for the feature source.  
The name of the feature class from which the properties of interest are selected.  
MgFeatureQueryOptions instance containing all required filters for this select operation.  
The name of the coordinate system to transform to.  

Returns an MgFeatureReader containing the set of selected features.


Use the coordinateSystem argument to set the target coordinate system if you want to transform. If you want to apply the criteria to a subset of the features, use the SelectAggregate Method.

MgXX classes belong to the OsGeo.MapGuide namespace and are descibed in the Geospatial Platform Reference.

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