AcMapFeatureService::DescribeSchemaAsXml Method

Autodesk GIS Map Platform

AcMapFeatureService:: DescribeSchemaAsXml Method

Gets the definition in XML format of a schema contained in the feature source.

virtual string DescribeSchemaAsXml(
    MgResourceIdentifier* resource, 
    string schemaNam
The resource identifier for the feature source  
The name of the schema definition to retrieve or an empty string to retrieve all available schema definitions.  

Returns a string containing the FDO schema in XML format.


The XML representation of the schema definitions conforms to FDO XML schema, which are based on OGC GML schema. How to specify a schema definition in XML is discussed in the Autodesk FDO API Developer's Guide.

MgXX classes belong to the OsGeo.MapGuide namespace and are descibed in the Geospatial Platform Reference.

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