AcMapFeatureService::CreateFeatureSource Method

Autodesk GIS Map Platform

AcMapFeatureService:: CreateFeatureSource Method

Creates a feature source in the repository identified by the specified resource identifier, using the given feature source parameters.

virtual void CreateFeatureSource(
    MgResourceIdentifier* resource, 
    MgFeatureSourceParams* sourceParams
The resource identifier defining the location of the new feature source in the repository.  
The feature source parameters (feature schema and spatial context definitions).  

This method is not supported in AutoCAD Map 3D and will always throw MgNotImplementedException. 

MgFeatureSourceParams is an abstract class. Currently the only concrete class is MgCreateSdfParams, and the only feature source that can be created this way is an SDF file. You can use this method to create an SDF file with the same schema and spatial context definition as the provider that you are connected to.

MgXX classes belong to the OsGeo.MapGuide namespace and are descibed in the Geospatial Platform Reference.

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