AcMapFeatureService::UpdateFeatures Method

Autodesk GIS Map Platform

AcMapFeatureService:: UpdateFeatures Method

Executes the MgDeleteFeatures, MgInsertFeatures, MgUpdateFeatures, MgLockFeatures or MgUnlockFeatures commands contained in the given MgFeatureCommandCollection object.


The XML returned by GetCapabilities says whether a provider supports SQL commands.

virtual MgPropertyCollection* UpdateFeatures(
    MgResourceIdentifier* resource, 
    MgFeatureCommandCollection* commands, 
    bool useTransaction
A resource identifier for the feature source. 
A collection of feature commands to be executed. 
If true and transactions are supported by the Fdo provider, execute all commands inside a transaction. If false, do not use a transaction.  

Returns an MgPropertyCollection object. Each property in the collection corresponds to a command in the MgFeatureCommandCollection argument. The property name is the index of the command in the feature command collection.


MgXX classes belong to the OsGeo.MapGuide namespace and are descibed in the Geospatial Platform Reference.

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