Allocate to Racks


MaQs       Allocate to Rack



To access this window, select from the Allocate to Washer screen. This screen shows unallocated items that can be allocated to a Rack.


User can allocate Items individually to racks or base on the Rack Cycles.


Find Matching Racks

Locate all of the Unallocated Items that matches the selected Racks and Cycle.

Add to Rack

Add all selected racks to the highlighted Rack

Racks Washers

Display all racks that are currently in allocated to the Washers.


To update the Unallocated Item List (Left Grid) and the Rack List (Right Grid)


Save and Close



Unallocated Items


This is showing all the unallocated items that are received from Receive Items.


Choose the applicable items by checking the tick boxes on the right hand side and click on Add to Racks button to allocate it to the highlighted Racks.


The user also has the option to scan/enter the Process Label barcode into Process Label which will highlight and select the item accordingly.



The button is available at the top right of the window to select all unallocated items in the grid.


Alternatively the user can allocate items based on the available Racks.



Available Racks


This displays all available Racks, the compatible cycles and Number of items already allocated to them.



To view the list of items that has been allocated to the selected Rack, double click on the Rack.



If the rack is not shown in this list then it may be in used, select to view rack status. Alternatively, the rack maybe inactive, see Equipment Wizard.




Allocating items using Racks


The user can allocate items based on available Racks by choosing the rack and the cycle, then select Find Matching Racks to allocate all the matching unallocated items to the rack.




Allocating items to Racks



Tick the checkbox from the unallocated list



Highlight the desire Rack from the available Rack list


Allocate items to Racks

Add to Rack