Creating an XML tasks file |
tasks configuration file (if not already created) can be generated with
any text editor. Use a plain text editor only (Notepad, Ultraedit, Textpad,
etc...) and not a rich text editor (Word, Wordpad, Html TextBox, etc...)
to edit the file (as these rich text editors may add special formatting
codes which are invalid in XML). Don't worry if you are not familiar with XML.
A sample XML configuration file can be found at the bottom of this document.
Structure of the XML tasks configuration file
Here is the structure of the XML tasks configuration file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <tasks> ... </tasks> </config>
Each task have the following structure :
<task method="POST"> <id>1</id> <address>http://www.domain.com/ActiveQ/ActiveQTestWeb/WebForm1.aspx</address> <datestart>2003-05-22</datestart> <dateend>2003-06-30</dateend> <recurrences> <recurrence> <type>selectedDay</type> <parameter>Friday</parameter> <hour>11:30:00</hour> </recurrence> </recurrences> </task>
<task> element
The "attribute" method can only have one of two values: POST or GET.
GET This sends the form information included in the URL. The GET method sends the information to the server in one step. It is best used for forms where the information is not secure (as it can be seen in the URL), and the amount of information passed is small.
POST This sends the form information in the HTTP environment. It is a little more secure, in that your readers can't see it directly (although it is sent as clear text, so it can be "hijacked"). The post method sends the data to the server in two steps. First the browser contacts the server and, after the contact is made, it sends the information. It is best used when you have a lot of information to pass. Currently, you can't define custom fields and values to pass. However, this is planned for a future release of ActiveQ.
FILE This attribute let you execute a file on the computer. The <address> attribute is the path to the file.
<id> element
Each task is identified by a unique id. Be careful to use a unique id. Otherwise, only the first task defined with that id will be used. Other tasks with the same id will be ignored.
<address> element
Address used for the request. Usually the URL to the script file or the UNC path to the file you want to execute .
<datestart> element
Start date of the task. No tasks are executed before this date.
<dateend> element
End date of
the task. No tasks are executed after this date. For recurring tasks, you can combine several <recurrence> elements. Each recurrence must have a <type> and an <hour> child element. The <parameter> element is used for some types and will be described later.
<type> element
Indicates the type of recurrence and can have
the following values :
Once you have created (or modified) your XML tasks configuration file, you need to add it the ActiveQ scheduled tasks queue. If this hasn’t already been done by your administrator, you will need administrator access to the server to add your file to the queue. Read the document “Using the XML tasks file” for more information.
Sample Configuration File
Here is a sample XML tasks configuration file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <tasks> <task method="post"> <id>1</id> <address>http://www.domain.com/ActiveQ/ActiveQTestWeb/WebForm1.aspx</address> <datestart>2003-05-22</datestart> <dateend>2003-06-30</dateend> <recurrences> <recurrence> <type>daily</type> <hour>15:51:00</hour> </recurrence> <recurrence> <type>daily</type> <hour>15:52:00</hour> </recurrence> <recurrence> <type>selectedDay</type> <parameter>Friday</parameter> <hour>11:30:00</hour> </recurrence> </recurrences> </task> <task method="get"> <id>2</id> <address>http://www.google.com</address> <datestart>2003-05-22</datestart> <dateend>2003-06-12</dateend> <recurrences> <recurrence> <type>selectedDay</type> <parameter>Friday</parameter> <hour>11:30:00</hour> </recurrence> </recurrences> </task> <task method="post"> <id>3</id> <address>http://www.yahoo.com</address> <datestart>2003-05-22</datestart> <dateend>2004-05-30</dateend> <recurrences> <recurrence> <type>daily</type> <hour>12:02:00</hour> </recurrence> <recurrence> <type>selectedDay</type> <parameter>Friday</parameter> <hour>11:30:00</hour> </recurrence> </recurrences> </task> <task method="post"> <id>3</id> <address>c:\system\backup.bat</address> <datestart>2003-02-22</datestart> <dateend>2005-02-30</dateend> <recurrences> <recurrence> <type>daily</type> <hour>00:00:00</hour> </recurrence> </recurrences> </task> </tasks> </config>
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