Regis3.OpenRegistryHive Method


Regis3 OpenRegistryHive Method regdiff Code Documentation
Given a registry path, locate the correct root key and return the relative path. For example, when the user gives the absolute registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft you really have two parts: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is a "registry hive" root, and "Software\Microsoft" the relative path.

Namespace: com.tikumo.regis3
Assembly: regis3 (in regis3.dll) Version: (


public static RegistryKey OpenRegistryHive(
	string rootPath,
	out string rootPathWithoutHive,
	bool use32BitRegistry = true,
	string remoteMachineName = null
public static RegistryKey OpenRegistryHive(
	string rootPath,
	out string rootPathWithoutHive,
	bool use32BitRegistry = true,
	string remoteMachineName = null


Type: OnlineSystem String
absolute registry path
Type: OnlineSystem String 
Returns the relative path
use32BitRegistry (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem Boolean
True if you want to access the 32-bit regisrty, or false if you want to access the 64-bit registry.
remoteMachineName (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem String
Name of a remote machine. User must ensure that caller has sufficient privileges to access the key

Return Value

Type: OnlineRegistryKey
"registry hive" root
See Also