RegKeyEntry Methods


RegKeyEntry Methods regdiff Code Documentation
The RegKeyEntry type exposes the following members.

Public methodAskToAddKey
When creating a diff/merge file, asks the key to create a subkey based on an existing key
Public methodAskToAddValue
When creating a diff/merge file, asks the key to add a value based on an existing value
Public methodAskToRemoveKey
When creating a diff/merge file, asks the key to remove a subkey based on an existing key
Public methodAskToRemoveValue
When creating a diff/merge file, asks the key to remove a value based on an existing value
Public methodFindOrCreateKey
Find or create a subkey relative to this one
Public methodFindOrCreateValue
Find or create a named registry value
Public methodToString
Create a string description of this instance
(Overrides OnlineObject ToString .)
Public methodWriteRegFileFormat
Write the content of this key to an output stream in .REG file format
Public methodWriteToTheRegistry
Write the contents of this object back to the registry (possibly recursively)
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