RegFileImportOptions Enumeration


RegFileImportOptions Enumeration regdiff Code Documentation
Parser options for .REG files

Namespace: com.tikumo.regis3
Assembly: regis3 (in regis3.dll) Version: (


public enum RegFileImportOptions
public enum RegFileImportOptions

  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No specific options
AllowHashtagComments1 Allow Hashtag-style line comments.
AllowSemicolonComments2 Allow Semicolon-style line comments.
IgnoreWhitespaces4 If this option is set, the parser is more relaxed about whitespaces in the .REG file (Recommended, especially if you manually edit the file yourself.)
AllowVariableNamesForNonStringVariables8 If this option is set, a .REG file can have a statement like this: "something"=dword:$$VARIABLE$$ where $$VARIABLE$$ is replaced at runtime with the respective -numeric- variable.
See Also