com.tikumo.regis3 Namespace


com.tikumo.regis3 Namespace regdiff Code Documentation
The regis3 library contains a set of classes to read/write the registry, .REG files, .INI files and .XML files.

  Class Description
Public class AbstractFileParser
This is a generic parser of file content. Both the .REG parser and the .INI parser are concrete implementations of this class. The basic idea is that the parser is always in a well-known state, and in each state only a subset of new states are allowed.
Public class DataMismatch
When comparing two registry files, this class identifies a mismatch in the data of two registry values that are located in the same key path.
Public class KindMismatch
This is a helper class that represents a value that exists in both keys, but has different value kinds (and by definition different values) in each of them.
Public class MissingValue
This is a helper class that represents a missing value in a key
Public class RegDiff
This class takes two (named) registry keys and produces a set of differences between the two keys. In regis3, keys can be imported from different sources (the registry, a .REG file, an .XML file) and are represented in memory as RegKeyEntry trees. This class takes two such trees (independently of their origin) and compares them.
Public class RegEnvReplace
This class supports replacing $$ variables in .REG files by dynamic content. When reading .REG files, you can use the syntax $$NAME$$ to defer resolution of names / content to runtime. At runtime, variables are declared either as environment variables or by reading them from .XML files / .INI files and replaced back in the registry.
Public class RegFile
This is a helper class that takes a .REG filename (or the content of a .REG file) and identifies the correct parser. Parsers distinguish between Registry Format 4 (ANSI) and 5 (Unicode)
Public class RegFileExporter
This is an exporter that takes a RegKeyEntry and exports it. The class is abstract, because version 4 and version 5 have different text encoding, so you need a derived class to actually export the registry.
Public class RegFileFormat4Exporter
Subclass of RegFileExporter for Version 4 files (=ANSI Encoding, Windows NT 4.0)
Public class RegFileFormat4Importer
Importer for version 4 registry files
Public class RegFileFormat5Exporter
Subclass of RegFileExporter for Version 5 files (=Unicode)
Public class RegFileFormat5Importer
Importer for version 4 registry files
Public class RegFileImporter
This is the importer for .REG files. The class is abstract, because version 4 and version 5 have different text encoding, so you need a derived class to actually import the registry.
Public class RegFileParser
This is the default parser for .REG files. It takes a string as input and produces a valid registry tree from it.
Public class Regis3
Static helper functions of general use when dealing with registry objects
Public class RegistryImporter
This is the standard importer to read data from an existing registry (on the local machine, or on a remote machine).
Public class RegistryImportRelativeToExistingRegKeyEntry
This is a special importer that is used when comparing .REG files to values in the registry: rather than specifying an actual registry key to import, only keys existing in the import key are read.
Public class RegKeyEntry
This class represents a registry key in memory
Public class RegValueEntry
This class represents a registry value in a
Public class XmlRegFileExporter
This is an exporter that takes a registry key and exports it in XML format

  Interface Description
Public interface IRegistryExporter
This is the export interface supported by all regis3 exporter functions: given a RegKeyEntry, create a file or a string.
Public interface IRegistryImporter
This is the import interface supported by all regis3 importer classes: get data from somewhere

  Delegate Description
Protected delegate AbstractFileParser ExpectFunc
Callback definition for parser states

  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration RegFileImportOptions
Parser options for .REG files
Public enumeration RegistryWriteOptions
Available options when exporting a RegKeyEntry tree back to the registry
Public enumeration RegValueEntryKind
This class defines the known registry value types. It includes more types than the standard .Net enum RegistryValueKind