RegDiff Members


RegDiff Members regdiff Code Documentation

The RegDiff type exposes the following members.


Public methodRegDiff
The constructor creates two named registry keys and compares them
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Public methodCreateDiffKeyEntry
This function creates a new RegKeyEntry, that represents the diff information; assuming that key 1 is the old information, and key 2 the new information That means: - if a key is missing in 1, it is to be added - if a key is missing in 2, it is to be removed - if a value is missing in 1, it is to be added - if a value is missing in 2, it is to be removed - if a value has changed, use the data from 2
Public methodCreateMergeKeyEntry
This function creates a new RegKeyEntry, that represents the merge information; assuming that key 1 is the old information, and key 2 the new information That means: - includes all information from key 2 - if a key is missing in 2, it is to be removed - if a value is missing in 2, it is to be removed - if a value has changed, use the data from 2
Public methodToString
Create a string description of this instance
(Overrides OnlineObject ToString .)
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Public fieldDataMismatches
Data mismatches: a key/value exists in both files, but the respective data doesn't match
Public fieldKey1
First key
Public fieldKey2
Second key
Public fieldKindMismatches
Kind mismatches: a key/value exists in both files, but the kind doesn't match (for example, its a string in one file and an integer in the other)
Public fieldMissingKeysIn1
Keys missing in 1 but present in 2
Public fieldMissingKeysIn2
Keys missing in 2 but present in 1
Public fieldMissingValuesIn1
Values missing in 1 but present in 2
Public fieldMissingValuesIn2
Values missing in 2 but present in 1
Public fieldName1
Name of the first file / key / source
Public fieldName2
Name of the second file / key / source
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See Also