Filter Table Columns

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Filter Table Columns

Column filters restrict the columns to be included as part of a snapshot, transactional or merge publication. Column filters can reduce the time it takes to propagate data updates to Subscribers, reduce the storage space needed at the Subscriber, and limit the data in a publication to data that is needed by individual Subscribers.

Select the columns to be included in the publication. In the list of columns in the article, you can check or clear the box to the left of the column name to indicate whether the column is included or excluded from the article.

Columns that are part of the primary key for the table (as indicated by a key icon in place of the check box) cannot be excluded from the publication.

If it is a merge publication or if the snapshot or transactional publication allows immediate updating or queued updating subscriptions, timestamp columns (as indicated by the clock icon in place of the check box) cannot be excluded from the publication.

The following columns cannot be excluded:

Column Type Type of publication and/or options Icon displayed next to column
primary key Transactional publications primary key
timestamp Snapshot or transactional publication that allows immediate updating and/or queued updating clock
uniqueidentifier column Merge publications disabled checkbox
msrepl_tran_version Snapshot or transactional publication that allows immediate updating and/or queued updating disabled checkbox
columns that do not allow NULL and do not have default values
  • Merge publications

  • Snapshot or transactional publication that allows immediate updating and/or queued updating
disabled checkbox

See Also

Column Filters