Add Column to Replicated Table

Replication Wizard Help

Replication Wizard Help

Add Column to Replicated Table

The following options are available on the Add Column to Replicated Table dialog box.



View the name of the table on which a column will be added.

Column name

Enter the name of the new column.

Column definition (excluding the column name)

Enter the SQL syntax that defines the column including data type, constraints and properties. The column must either allow NULLs or have a specified default value.

Include the column in the following publications

Select the publications where this column will be automatically added.

Note  If you are adding or dropping columns to a publishing table for a snapshot or transactional publication that allows data transformations, the schema change is not propagated to the Subscriber automatically. You will need to update the schema manually and regenerate the replication DTS package; otherwise the Distribution Agent may fail to apply subsequent modifications. For snapshot publications, you need to update only the schema if pre_creation_cmd is either TRUNCATE or DELETE, but not DROP.

See Also

Schema Changes on Publication Databases