Bold Property

Pageflex Document Action API

Pageflex Document Action API Bold Property
Namespaces > Pageflex.Scripting > TextElement > Bold
Gets or sets whether to use a bold member of the assigned font family to compose text.
C# Visual Basic Managed C++
public bool Bold { get; set; }
Public Property Bold As Boolean
virtual bool Bold {
	bool get () sealed;
	void set (bool value) sealed;
Specifies trueTruetrue if a bold member of the assigned font family should be used to compose text, and falseFalsefalse otherwise. If the font specified by FontFamily has a member whose weight is greater than 550, the member whose weight is closest to 700 will be used.
Exception Condition
StaleScriptingObjectException This object's associated internal object no longer exists.
IndeterminateValueException The property value is not consistent across the range.
RangeNotEditableException Setting this property is not permitted when the range only partially contains a variable, table of contents, or page number.
See Also

Assembly: PFScript Version: (Module: PFScript)