Pageflex.Scripting Namespace

Pageflex Document Action API

Pageflex Document Action API Pageflex.Scripting Namespace
Namespaces > Pageflex.Scripting
Defines classes, interfaces, and enumerations for the Pageflex Document Action API
C# Visual Basic Managed C++
namespace Pageflex.Scripting
Namespace Pageflex.Scripting
namespace Pageflex.Scripting
All Types Classes Structures Interfaces Enumerations Delegates
Icon Type Description
public enumeration AnchorPoint
Enumeration of shape anchor points.
public class Application
The Application class represents the application which has invoked a Pageflex script.
public enumeration ApplicationContext
Enumeration of application contexts in which a script may be invoked.
public class AreaTemplate
The AreaTemplate class represents a rectangular area template document element.
public class AreaTemplateBezier
The AreaTemplateBezier class represents an area template document element whose outline is a polygon or Bezier.
public class AreaTemplateOval
The AreaTemplateOval class represents an area template document element whose outline is an oval.
public class Bezier
The Bezier class represents a graphical document element with no content, whose outline is made up of straight or curved segments.
public enumeration BorderStyle
Enumeration of border styles.
public class Color
The Color class represents a named color defined for a document.
public class CopyFitRule
The CopyFitRule class represents a named CopyFit rule defined for a document.
public class Document
The Document class represents a Pageflex document, and also the root of that document's tree of elements.
public class Element
The Element class represents an object (such as an image, paragraph, or page) in the tree of objects making up a document.
public class FillerPagePoint
The FillerPagePoint class represents a point in a document's sequence of pages where filler pages may be inserted.
public enumeration FlexBehavior
Enumeration of shape "flex" behaviors.
public class Group
The Group class represents a "group" document element.
public enumeration HorizontalAlignment
Enumeration of horizontal alignment modes.
public class HorizontalGroup
The HorizontalGroup class represents a "horizontal group" document element.
public interface IAnchorPoint
The IAnchorPoint interface contains members unique to document elements which have an anchor point.
public interface IAutohide
The IAutohide interface contains members unique to document elements which can be auto-hidden.
public interface IBezier
The IBezier interface contains members unique to document elements whose outline is defined by a series of curved segments.
public interface IBorderStyle
The IBorderStyle interface contains members unique to document elements which can have a visible border.
public interface IBumpers
The IBumpers interface contains members unique to document elements with "bumper" (external margin) properties.
public interface ICharacter
The ICharacter interface contains members specifying character-level text properties.
public interface ICopyFit
The ICopyFit interface contains members unique to document elements representing text which can be copyfit.
public interface IFillStyle
The IFillStyle interface contains members unique to shapes with a colorable interior.
public interface IFlexibleShape
The IFlexibleShape interface contains members unique to shape elements which can be flexibly sized.
public interface IGroupBox
The IGroupBox interface contains members unique to horizontal and vertical group elements.
public class Image
The Image class represents an image reservation in a document.
public enumeration ImageFit
Enumeration of Image fit modes.
public enumeration ImageFormat
Enumeration of image formats.
public interface IMargins
The IMargins interface contains members unique to document elements with margin properties.
public interface INamed
The INamed interface contains members unique to document elements which can be named.
public interface IPagePoint
The IPagePoint interface contains members unique to document elements at the page level -- pages and page insertion points.
public interface IParagraph
The IParagraph interface contains members unique to paragraphs and paragraph styles.
public interface IRangeElement
The IRangeElement interface contains members unique to document elements which are part of a text range.
public interface IRectangular
The IRectangular interface contains members unique to visible rectangular shapes.
public interface ISearchable
The ISearchable interface contains members which allow searching for elements or resources.
public interface IShapeContainer
The IShapeContainer interface contains members unique to pages and shapes which contain other shapes.
public interface ITextContainer
The ITextContainer interface contains members unique to shapes which contain text.
public interface IVariableElement
The IVariableElement interface contains members unique to document elements which can be assigned a Variable.
public class Job
The Job class represents properties about the currently executing job
public enumeration JobImageHandling
Enumeration of image handling.
public enumeration JobImpositionPrintType
Enumeration of imposition print style.
public enumeration JobImpositionRecordOrder
Enumeration of imposition record order types.
public enumeration JobImpositionType
Enumeration of imposition types.
public enumeration JobOutputDestinationType
Enumeration of output destination types.
public enumeration JobOutputFormat
Enumeration of output formats.
public enumeration JobOutputHandling
Enumeration of output handling.
public enumeration JobPageOrientation
Enumeration of page orientation types.
public enumeration JobSuppressedElementsHandling
Enumeration of suppressed elements handling.
public enumeration Language
Enumeration of supported languages.
public class Measurement
The Measurement class represents a measured length. It is used for document element properties representing size and position.
public class Oval
The Oval class represents a graphical document element with no content, whose contour is an oval.
public class Page
The Page class represents a page element in a document.
public class PageNumber
The PageNumber class represents a page number document element.
public class Paragraph
The Paragraph class represents a paragraph document element.
public class ParagraphGroup
The ParagraphGroup class represents a "paragraph group" document element.
public class ParagraphStyle
The ParagraphStyle class represents a named paragraph style defined for a document.
public class PFObject
The PFObject class is the root of the Pageflex scripting interface class hierarchy.
public class Range
The Range class represents a contiguous section of a text stream.
public class Rectangle
The Rectangle class represents a rectangular graphical document element, with no content.
public class Shape
The Shape class represents a graphical document element. Subclasses represent specific shape types, such as a rectangle, text frame, or image.
public class StreamFragment
The StreamFragment class represents a copy of part of a text stream that can be pasted elsewhere.
public enumeration StreamPoint
Enumeration of points in a text stream by which a Range may be navigated.
public class TableOfContents
The TableOfContents class represents a "table of contents" document element.
public class TextBox
The TextBox class represents a text container document element whose outline is a rectangle. You probably want TextFrame instead.
public class TextContainerBezier
The TextContainerBezier class represents a text container document element whose outline is a polygon or Bezier.
public class TextContainerOval
The TextContainerOval class represents a text container document element whose outline is an oval.
public class TextElement
The TextElement class represents a document element containing a sequence of text characters with identical style properties.
public class TextFrame
The TextFrame class represents a rectangular document element which can contain columns of text.
public class TextPathBezier
The TextPathBezier class represents a document element whose outline is a Bezier and which may compose a text stream along its outline.
public enumeration Units
Units supported by the Measurement class.
public class Variable
The Variable class represents a Pageflex project variable or job variable.
public enumeration VariableKind
Enumeration of Variable kinds, specifying what kind of content a variable holds.
public class VariablePagePoint
The VariablePagePoint class represents a variable point in a document's sequence of pages where a document may be ingested.
public enumeration VariableSource
Enumeration of Variable sources, specifying how a variable's value is determined.
public class VerticalGroup
The VerticalGroup class represents a "vertical group" document element.