MergeData Method

Pageflex Document Action API

Pageflex Document Action API MergeData Method
Namespaces > Pageflex.Scripting > Application > MergeData()
Assigns to each variable element (IVariableElement) in the document the value of the corresponding project Variable.
C# Visual Basic Managed C++
public static void MergeData ()
Public Shared Sub MergeData
static void MergeData ()
If merged variable values themselves contain variable elements, the corresponding variables will be merged as well. Variable elements may be nested in this way to an arbitrary depth.

If a document element refers to a variable whose value is empty and OkToPublishWithoutValue is trueTruetrue for that variable, the element will be hidden. If OkToPublishWithoutValue is falseFalsefalse a MergeDataFailedException will be thrown.

This method resolves all AutohideConditions, and updates any tables of contents.

Exception Condition
MergeDataFailedException Data merge failed.
WrongApplicationContextException The current Context does not support data merge.

Assembly: PFScript Version: (Module: PFScript)