Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions Namespace

Pageflex Document Action API

Pageflex Document Action API Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions Namespace
Namespaces > Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
Defines exceptions for the Pageflex Document Action API.
C# Visual Basic Managed C++
namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
Namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
All Types Classes Structures Interfaces Enumerations Delegates
Icon Type Description
public class ColorAlreadyExistsException
A Color with the specified name already exists in the current document.
public class ColorNotFoundException
A named Color was not defined in the current document.
public class CopyFitRuleNotFoundException
A named CopyFitRule was not defined in the current document.
public class ElementCannotBeDeletedException
The specified Element cannot be deleted.
public class ElementCannotBeDuplicatedException
The specified Element cannot be duplicated.
public class ElementNotFoundException
An Element with the specified name was not found.
public class ElementNotVisibleException
An operation requiring a visible element was attempted on an element that is not visible.
public class EmptyRangeException
An operation was attempted which requires a non-empty Range, but the range was empty.
public class FontNotFoundException
A referenced font is not installed on the current computer.
public class IllegalNameException
An attempt was made to assign a name which was not a legal XML name.
public class IllegalRangeSelectionException
The range specified for selection does not constitute a legal selection in the current editing session.
public class IllegalShapeSelectionException
The shape(s) specified to be selected do not constitute a legal selection in the current editing session.
public class ImageNotRasterException
An operation requiring a raster image was attempted on an Image which is not a raster image.
public class ImageSourceUnavailableException
The underlying image data for an image operation could not be retrieved.
public class IndeterminateValueException
Attempt to retrieve a Range property whose value is inconsistent across the range.
public class InternalException
An internal exception occurred.
public class InvalidChildElementTypeException
An attempt was made to add a child element to a parent element, but their types are incompatible.
public class InvalidContainerException
An attempt was made to add a child element to a parent element, but the parent is not a container.
public class InvalidMeasurementException
The specified String could not be converted to a Measurement.
public class InvalidVariableValueException
Attempt to set an invalid value for a variable.
public class JobMediaNotFoundException
No job media exists with the specified name.
public class MasterPageNotFoundException
No master page exists with the specified name.
public class MergeDataFailedException
A call to MergeData() failed.
public class MoveRangeFailedException
An attempt was made to move the endpoint of a Range before the beginning or after the end of the underlying text stream.
public class NameNotUniqueException
An attempt was made to name a document element, but a document element already exists with the specified name.
public class NothingToRedoException
There is nothing to redo.
public class NothingToUndoException
There is nothing to undo.
public class OperationIllegalOnDocumentException
An illegal operation was attempted on a Document.
public class OperationIllegalOnFlexibleShapeException
An illegal operation was attempted on a flexible shape.
public class PageNotDynamicException
And operation required a dynamic page but the page was not dynamic.
public class ParagraphStyleNotFoundException
A named ParagraphStyle is not defined in the current document.
public class RangeNotEditableException
A range operation was attempted which would modify variable text, a table of contents, or a page number.
public class ScriptException
The ScriptException class is the superclass of all Pageflex script exceptions.
public class ShapeNotFixedException
An operation was attempted which requires a shape whose position is fixed, but the shape's position is not fixed.
public class StaleScriptingObjectException
A scripting object refers to an internal object which no longer exists.
public class UndoDisabledException
An undo operation was attempted but undo is disabled.
public class UndoSectionNestingException
EndUndoSection was called without a corresponding call to BeginUndoSection.
public class UnrelatedShapesException
An operation was attempted which requires its shapes to be in the same container, but they were not.
public class UnsupportedPropertyCombinationException
A property could not be set to the given value because it conflicts with values currently assigned to other properties.
public class UserStringNotFoundException
No user string with the specified name is defined in the current editing session.
public class ValueOutOfRangeException
A method argument or property value was outside its legal range.
public class ValueTooLargeException
A method argument or property value was above the maximum allowed.
public class ValueTooSmallException
A method argument or property value was below the minimum allowed.
public class VariableEvaluationFailedException
A call to EvaluateVariables() failed.
public class VariableNotEvaluatedException
An attempt was made to access a variable's value, but the variable has not been evaluated.
public class VariableNotFoundException
No project variable or system variable exists with the specified name.
public class WrongApplicationContextException
A property or method was invoked which is not valid in the current application ApplicationContext.
public class WrongArraySizeException
A method argument array or property value array had the wrong number of members.
public class WrongBorderStyleException
Attempt to set a property which is not valid with the current BorderStyle.
public class WrongElementTypeException
An Element was found with the desired name but it does not have the desired type.
public class WrongImageFitException
An operation was attempted on an Image but the image has an incompatible fit mode.
public class WrongParentException
An element required to have a specific parent element had a different parent element.
public class WrongTypeOfVariableException
An operation was attempted on the wrong type of Variable.
public class WrongVariableKindException
Attempt to assign the wrong kind of Variable to an element.