Pageflex Document Action API
Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions Namespace
Namespaces > Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
Defines exceptions for the Pageflex Document Action API.
C# | Visual Basic | Managed C++ |
namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
Namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
namespace Pageflex.Scripting.Exceptions
All Types | Classes | Structures | Interfaces | Enumerations | Delegates |
Icon | Type | Description |
ColorAlreadyExistsException |
A Color with the specified name already exists in the current document.
ColorNotFoundException |
A named Color was not defined in the current document.
CopyFitRuleNotFoundException |
A named CopyFitRule was not defined in the current document.
ElementCannotBeDeletedException |
The specified Element cannot be deleted.
ElementCannotBeDuplicatedException |
The specified Element cannot be duplicated.
ElementNotFoundException |
An Element with the specified name was not found.
ElementNotVisibleException |
An operation requiring a visible element was attempted on an element that is not visible.
EmptyRangeException |
An operation was attempted which requires a non-empty Range, but the range was empty.
FontNotFoundException |
A referenced font is not installed on the current computer.
IllegalNameException |
An attempt was made to assign a name which was not a legal XML name.
IllegalRangeSelectionException |
The range specified for selection does not constitute a legal selection in the current editing session.
IllegalShapeSelectionException |
The shape(s) specified to be selected do not constitute a legal selection in the current editing session.
ImageNotRasterException |
An operation requiring a raster image was attempted on an Image which is not a raster image.
ImageSourceUnavailableException |
The underlying image data for an image operation could not be retrieved.
IndeterminateValueException |
Attempt to retrieve a Range property whose value is inconsistent across the range.
InternalException |
An internal exception occurred.
InvalidChildElementTypeException |
An attempt was made to add a child element to a parent element, but their types are incompatible.
InvalidContainerException |
An attempt was made to add a child element to a parent element, but the parent is not a container.
InvalidMeasurementException |
The specified String could not be converted to a Measurement.
InvalidVariableValueException |
Attempt to set an invalid value for a variable.
JobMediaNotFoundException |
No job media exists with the specified name.
MasterPageNotFoundException |
No master page exists with the specified name.
MergeDataFailedException |
A call to MergeData() failed.
MoveRangeFailedException |
An attempt was made to move the endpoint of a Range before the beginning
or after the end of the underlying text stream.
NameNotUniqueException |
An attempt was made to name a document element, but a document element already exists with the specified name.
NothingToRedoException |
There is nothing to redo.
NothingToUndoException |
There is nothing to undo.
OperationIllegalOnDocumentException |
An illegal operation was attempted on a Document.
OperationIllegalOnFlexibleShapeException |
An illegal operation was attempted on a flexible shape.
PageNotDynamicException |
And operation required a dynamic page but the page was not dynamic.
ParagraphStyleNotFoundException |
A named ParagraphStyle is not defined in the current document.
RangeNotEditableException |
A range operation was attempted which would modify variable text, a table of contents, or a page number.
ScriptException |
The ScriptException class is the superclass of all Pageflex script exceptions.
ShapeNotFixedException |
An operation was attempted which requires a shape whose position is fixed, but the shape's position is not fixed.
StaleScriptingObjectException |
A scripting object refers to an internal object which no longer exists.
UndoDisabledException |
An undo operation was attempted but undo is disabled.
UndoSectionNestingException |
EndUndoSection was called without a corresponding call to BeginUndoSection.
UnrelatedShapesException |
An operation was attempted which requires its shapes to be in the same container, but they were not.
UnsupportedPropertyCombinationException |
A property could not be set to the given value because it conflicts with values currently assigned to other properties.
UserStringNotFoundException |
No user string with the specified name is defined in the current editing session.
ValueOutOfRangeException |
A method argument or property value was outside its legal range.
ValueTooLargeException |
A method argument or property value was above the maximum allowed.
ValueTooSmallException |
A method argument or property value was below the minimum allowed.
VariableEvaluationFailedException |
A call to EvaluateVariables() failed.
VariableNotEvaluatedException |
An attempt was made to access a variable's value, but the variable has not been evaluated.
VariableNotFoundException |
No project variable or system variable exists with the specified name.
WrongApplicationContextException |
A property or method was invoked which is not valid in the current application ApplicationContext.
WrongArraySizeException |
A method argument array or property value array had the wrong number of members.
WrongBorderStyleException |
Attempt to set a property which is not valid with the current BorderStyle.
WrongElementTypeException |
An Element was found with the desired name but it does not have the desired type.
WrongImageFitException |
An operation was attempted on an Image but the image has an incompatible fit mode.
WrongParentException |
An element required to have a specific parent element had a different parent element.
WrongTypeOfVariableException |
An operation was attempted on the wrong type of Variable.
WrongVariableKindException |
Attempt to assign the wrong kind of Variable to an element.