NS$<service name> Properties (Service Tab)

SQL Server Configuration Manager

This service is the Microsoft Notification Services service. The property values in light gray cannot be changed using this application.


Binary Path

Displays the location of the program files used by this service.

Error Control

1 indicates SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL. If the service fails to start during computer start up, the startup program logs the error and displays a pop-up message box but continues the startup operation. This value cannot be changed.

Exit Code

When an error occurs, the error number appears in this box. Use this number to troubleshoot failures by searching for the number in the Microsoft Knowledge Base or provide the number to your technical support staff.

Host Name

Displays the name of the computer or cluster running the full text search.


Indicates the display name of the service.

Process ID

Displays the Microsoft Windows process ID.

SQL Service Type

Type of service provided to calling processes. SQL Server installs several services.

Start Mode

Set this service to the following choices:

  • Manual: This service does not automatically start when the computer starts. You must start the service using SQL Server Configuration Manager, or some other tool.
  • Automatic: This service attempts to start when this computer starts.
  • Disabled: This service cannot be started.

Indicates whether this service is running, stopped, or disabled.