20.2 The Templates Shipped with LANSA
A number of Application Templates are shipped with LANSA. You should note the following about these templates before attempting to use them:
- They reflect a reasonable cross section of the types of transactions you would most likely wish to perform.
- They are generalized, and thus are unlikely to conform to your sites standards. In many respects they are shipped as examples of different types of application templates and what templates can be used for. They should be copied and modified/extended/ customized to meet your site's requirements.
- They are designed to work with normalized database structures and database designs that would be considered conventional in "mainstream" commercial data processing. Thus some types of data structures (e.g. un-normalized design or large numbers of fields per file) may require the construction of very specialized application templates.
- Because of the way Application Templates interact with the user, no warranty can be expressed or implied at the RDML code level for code generated by any shipped Application Template. It is the responsibility of the user to test the resulting RDML code just like any manually coded RDML program.
- New "shipped" Application Templates are being created all the time. If you wish to import the latest set of templates then contact your product vendor.
- If you have some ideas/examples for new Application Templates, please don't hesitate to send the details to your product vendor.