14 5 Additional Notes

LANSA Application Design

14.5 Additional Notes

When working with Visual LANSA applications, you should be aware of the following considerations and recommendations:

  • DO NOT introduce any IBM i dependencies e.g. multi-member files, data queue access.
  • Any sort of "trick" or IBM i dependency (e.g. EOFDLY) will not be supported.
  • The library list concept will not be supported in any way.
  • Any method of passing any form of information or control values (e.g. cursor location) between functions except by PARM, PASS_DS and PASS_LST, *LDA access and EXCHANGE option to exchange all fields in a function on an F4=Prompt is not recommended.
  • All existing LANSA/GUI rules apply to all screen panels:

    OPTIONS(*OVERLAY) and OPTIONS(*NOREAD) for the DISPLAY and REQUEST commands are not supported.

    All fields in a DISPLAY/REQUEST command must fit on a single panel (i.e. multiple screen formats not supported).

    Fields and text cannot span lines in a panel.

    Help text held in Office documents are not supported.