8.1 Transfer the LANSA System to the same type of IBM i
Before you start, ensure the configuration of the target IBM i is complete.
Refer to the IBM i Information Centre http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/iseries if you require further information.
Have you installed all the pre-requisite software required by the LANSA features you will be installing?
For example, RPG or C compilers, HTTP server, XML Toolkit, PASE objects, etc.
Do not start the transfer until the software updating is finished.
On the Source Machine
1. Export all the partitions. You can, for example, add DEM to a Save file DEMPART, SYS to SYSPART and so on.
If you are using Visual LANSA Framework, copy the IBM i-side definitions found in the IFS root VF_System_Definition_<program library>*.*.
On the Target Machine
1. Install a new LANSA system with the same names, partitions and settings (such as the Web Port and Listener port) as recorded on the source machine.
2. Apply any relevant EPCs. You can install the latest version if desired, but you must apply any available EPCs (if any) for that version.
3. Create all the required user profiles if they haven't already been created.
4. Make sure the partition libraries and security officer are the same as in the source system. If not, change them to be same as the source system.
5. Import each Save file to each partition.
If you are using Visual LANSA Framework you will need the IBM i-side definitions to go into the IFS root VF_System_Definition_<program library>*.*.
6. Apply the new license codes.
7. Test your LANSA system to ensure that it works as expected.