8. Transferring Complete LANSA Systems between IBM i Systems
If you intend to move the entire contents of one IBM i machine (source) to another IBM i machine (target) you will only need to apply for a new LANSA license code before using your LANSA system on the target machine. See item 1 in Make a Plan of what you intend to do
These instructions are intended for a one time, large scale transfer of a LANSA system between IBM i systems.
You will use these steps to move your LANSA system when you move your development and/or execution environment between systems.
These transfer steps are recommended:
Make a Plan of what you intend to do
8.1 Transfer the LANSA System to the same type of IBM i
Make a Plan of what you intend to do
On the Source Machine
Make a note of:
- the EPCs, partitions and settings to use when installing LANSA on the target machine.
- whether you are using Visual LANSA Framework. (If so, you will need to copy the IBM i-side definitions found in the IFS root VF_System_Definition_<program library>*.*.)
- the partition security officers.
- the partition libraries and LANSA libraries.
- the Web Port, and Listener Port, if applicable.
If you have any doubts about any part of your plan, do not hesitate to contact your product vendor for advice.
On the Target Machine
1. From your product vendor, obtain LANSA license code(s) for all the LANSA products that you intend to use on this machine.
Your product vendor will need to know the system's CPU serial number, model number and processor features. To display the required information, use the WRKSYSVAL command and select option 5 on the screen and note:
- System serial number (QSRLNBR)
- System model number (QMODEL)
- Processor Feature (QPRCFEAT).
2. Check if the user profiles have been created on this machine. If not, make a note that this must be done.