4 2 Step 2 Create the New Partition

LANSA for i

4.2 Step 2. Create the New Partition

1.  Sign on to LANSA using this LANSA command:

 <library name>/LANSA

2.  From the LANSA Main System Menu, choose the Housekeeping Menu.

3.  From the Housekeeping Menu, choose the Create or change system partition definitions option. The System Partitions panel is displayed with a list of the existing partitions:


 DC@P400402               System Partitions                            


 Select partition to be reviewed, changed or deleted                   

 Or     use the ADD command key to add a new partition                 


           Sel     Partition      Description                        

            _      DEM         Demonstration and Training Partition

            _      SYS         Major System and Application Partition




  F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add/Create F12=Cancel F14=Messages F17=LastActDtl 



4.  Select the Add/Create function key (F6), to create a new partition. The Add System Partition screen is displayed:


 DC@P400403              XXXXXXX System Partition                     


 Partition identifier   : XXX                                        


 Module library         : XXXXXXXXXX                                 

 Unique object prefix   : X                                          

 Security officer       : XXXXXXXXXX                                 

 Default file library   : XXXXXXXXXX Include in library list ?  NO  

 Initial public access  : NORMAL     Lib for Help Panel Groups: XXXXXX

 Copy system fields from: SYS                                        

 SAA/CUA standards apply? YES                                        

 Multilingual support   ? YES                                        

 Help option on menus   : Display process or function HELP text       

 Return prefix on menus : Return to                                    

 Exit option on menus   : Exit from system                             

 Keep translated RPG    ? NO  in source file ______ in library _______  

 Keep translated DDS    ? NO  in source file ______ in library _______  

 Configure Task Tracking: NO  / NO  / NO  / NO  / NO  / NO           

 Enable for full RDMLX  : NO                                         

 Enable Documentor      : NO                                         


 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  Fnn=LastActDtl         



5.  Change the entries on this screen to suit your requirements. For details of the screen's entries, refer to System Partition Definitions in the LANSA for i User Guide.

Multilingual support on IBM i

It is recommended that all partitions are defined as multilingual.

This means that an appropriate default language (and any other languages) must be defined as described in 4.3 Step 3. Add Languages for Multilingual Use. You must also specify the Add SAA/CUA Defaults that are included in this step.

In Visual LANSA a new partition is automatically defined as multilingual with a default language created for the partition.

Unique object prefix

6.  Choose a prefix which is unique for your site.

7.  When you have checked or changed all the relevant entries, press Enter. The Add SAA/CUA Defaults screen is automatically displayed.


  DC@P400404               Add SAA/CUA Defaults


  Partition id       : DEV ‑ LANSA Development 


  Process menu style . . . . . . . . . .  N        N=Number  C=Cursor

  Process menu prompt line . . . . . . .:

  Enter number of function required or place cursor on same line:_____

  Process title in uppercase . . . . . .  N        Yes, No

  Function title in uppercase  . . . . .  N        Yes, No

  Display panel identifiers  . . . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Message line number  . . . . . . . . .  22       22, 23, 24

  Function key line number 1 / 2 . . . .  23 / 24  22, 23, 24

  Show process date/time . . . . . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Show function date/time  . . . . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Process auto‑record advance  . . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Function auto‑record advance . . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Pull down auto‑record advance  . . . .  Y        Yes, No

  Window border fill characters  . . . .  ----    (Side, Top/Bottom,

                                                   Top corner, 

                                                   Bottom corner)


 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages



Window Border fill characters

8.  Change to the characters you require, for example : . . : (colon, full stop, full stop, colon). For other options, refer to Creating or Changing Partition Definitions in the LANSA for i User Guide.

9.  You should not have to change any other entries on this screen. Press Enter to continue to the SAA/CUA Color Attributes Defaults. These are spread over a number of panels similar to this one:


 DC@P400405      Add SAA/CUA Color Attributes Defaults


 Partition        : DEV ‑ LANSA Development


 Panel element/area and description        Color   Type/Attributes    

 ABCH Action bar and pulldown choices WHT  Color: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                            Mono: HI_ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

 PBPT Panel title                      BLU Color: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                            Mono: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

 PBPI Panel identifier                BLU  Color: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                            Mono: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

 PBIN Instructions to user            GRN  Color: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

                                                  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ +




     You can roll-up whenever you see a "+" in the right bottom corner.

     You should not have to change any of the Color Attributes, as all fields contain the SAA/CUA standard defaults.

10.Press Enter to continue to the Function Key defaults which are spread over 2 panels.


  DC@P400406        Add SAA/CUA Function Key Defaults


  Partition        : DEV ‑ LANSA Development


  SAA/CUA function key description             Short form      Default

  Cancel current action                         Cancel            12

  Enter any entry fields                        Enter             RA

  Request help for the current function         Help              01

  Display choices from a list of entries        Prompt            04

  Restore or refresh panel                      Refresh           05

  Application defined messages key              Messages          14

  Scroll panel backward                         Bkwd              07

  Allow entry of a command                      Command           09

  Display cycle of function key area forms      Keys              13

  Exit to the highest level                     Exit              03

  Exit to the next level above                  Exit              03

  Move cursor to first field on the screen      Home              HM

  Scroll panel forward                          Forward           08

  Display table of contents for help            Contents          23

  Provide information about entire panel        Ex Help           02

  Provide index of help information             Index             11  +





  Provide names and functions of keys           Keys help         09   

  Scroll panel left                             Left              19

  Re‑display last command that was issued       Retrieve          09   

  Scroll panel right                            Right             20

  Move cursor backward                          Switchbkwd        18

  Move cursor forward                           Switch fwd        06

  Move cursor to action bar                     Actions           10

  Application defined add key                   Add/Create        06

  Application defined change key                Change            21

  Application defined delete key                Delete            22


 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages                            



10.You should not have to change any of these entries, as all fields contain the SAA/CUA standard defaults. Press Enter.

     LANSA will now create the new partition.

     After a short wait, you will be returned to the System Partitions list, indicating that the new partition has been created.

11.Press the Cancel function key to return to the Housekeeping Menu.

Note: Before you can use the new partition, you may need to move (or "import") some files, their definitions and data into it. To find out about the LANSA facilities for moving objects between partitions, refer to The LANSA Environment.

Go to 4.3 Step 3. Add Languages for Multilingual Use.