7 3 How does Export Import Work

LANSA for i

7.3 How does Export/Import Work?

In order to copy objects from one partition/system to another, you need to create a list of objects to copy. The objects in the list can then be saved to some storage medium. Once saved, you can restore the objects at their new destination.

The steps in LANSA terms are:

1.  Sign on to the LANSA partition containing the objects to be copied.

2.  Create an "export list" of objects to be copied from this partition.

3.  Request LANSA to export items on the list onto a magnetic tape or a save file.

4.  Sign on to the LANSA partition/machine into which the objects are to be copied (or use the Housekeeping option to change to the partition into which the objects are to be copied).

5.  Request LANSA to "import" the saved objects.

Please note that the partition from which you do each of these steps is VERY important.

The export and import facilities are powerful save and restore commands. They take into account the integrated nature of the LANSA development environment. For example, when you export a file definition, the physical file and all its associated items such as the logical files, virtual field definitions, access routes, batch control definitions, validations, help text etc. are all exported. Similarly, when a field is exported, its field level validations and help text are also exported.

On systems that have QCCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) and QLANGID (Language) parameters set to non-standard (not default) values, imported data will be converted according to the default CCSID of the QLANGID parameter and not the QCCSID of the system.

For example:

QCCSID   =  00500  (international code page)

QLANGID =    CAT  (Catalan)


The default CCSID for CAT (Catalan) is 00284. Therefore, all data will be converted to code page 284 and not code page 500, the QCCID value.

For more details about Import/Export refer to:

Initialization Imports in the Installing LANSA on IBM i Guide


Exporting and Importing in the LANSA for i User Guide.