Property and Method Syntax
After you have started Telnet in automation mode, you can configure properties and perform method calls. The syntax for these commands is outlined below:
Property Syntax
Use the following command to set the property value:
where property is any property item and value is a setting you can make for that property.
Use the following command to get a property and store the values.
- value=WyseTerm.method(parameter list)
where method is any method item and parameter list is the appropriate values that the method item requires. Commas separate multiple parameters.
All properties have a VarType. A VarType is the associate variable type in which the Property fits.
Method Syntax
Use the following command to call the WyseTerm object’s method with value as its parameter:
- WyseTerm.method=value
where method is any method item and value is a setting you can make for that method.